Lilypie Breastfeeding Ticker

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Our day at The Children's Garden

Hi Everyone, We're at the Children's Garden and WOW!!! It's so much fun!

I'm really high up (see through the slats?)... but I'm not scared....

I'm crawling along... I seem to like posing in this position. Or maybe it's mommy who snaps the picture at the exact moment...

I love climbing on this pretty green dragon. I'm not afraid because it's just make believe. Is it fun to pretend in the garden??>

Here we are posing! Chey is such a nice cousin--she played all morning with me..

I'm practicing my clapping! Whenever mommy says "Yea!", I love to clap.

Just going for a little swing ride under the tree!

I love these cool trucks here in the octopus sand"box". I was interested in playing I didn't tell anyone some fireants were biting me!! Oh well! Mommy put some of her neat-o concoction on and gave me some yummy homeopathy and they felt so much better!
See, daddy doesn't need a little boy. I'm pretty AND tough.
I really need some cool trucks at my house!! These are the best!

Just going for a little climb on the octopus before I have to leave..

Maybe next time you can come with us! The Children's Garden is SO fun! They have dress-up clothes, a maze, two-person swings, a really big pirate ship, little hide-away spots and so much more! Plus, it's all under shade so I can play and play and play...

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

That looks like so much fun! I can't wait to bring my little girl there!